Sunday, October 19, 2014

Psycho 1960

I have always heard that Alfred Hitchcock was the father of classic horror but hadn't actually watched any of his movies. I decided to watch the original Psycho as I am currently watching Bates Motel, the "modern" prequel to Psycho.

I don't often watch older black and white movies, as I don't always feel a strong connection to the characters or storyline, but that really wasn't the case this time. Hitchcock clearly knew what he was doing and completely flipped the genre on it's head.

Marion Crane, a secretary in Phoenix, steals $40,000 and runs away to join her boyfriend. On her road trip she decides to stop in a motel just off the highway, Bates Motel. Norman Bates, the owner, introduces himself and invites her to have supper with him. Marion soon realizes that Norman Bates' mother does not want her there and excuses herself as soon as possible from his company.

In the most famous scene of the movie and possibly horror movies in general, Norman Bates' mother enters Marion's bathroom and stabs her repeatedly. The soundtrack for this scene is so famous that most people instantly recognize it, even if they have not seen Psycho. Norman Bates then has to deal with his mother's mistakes throughout the rest of the movie.

This wasn't a particularly scary movie, but I can see how it would have been quite terrifying back in 1960 when horror movies were nowhere near as gory as they are now. In the trivia portion on the movie's IMDB page, they mention that Walt Disney would not let Alfred Hitchcock into Disneyland because his movie was "disgusting". Thats how far the impact of Psycho reached.

9/10 For an awesome story and great acting.
96% critics score from Rotten Tomatoes
91% audience score form Rotten Tomatoes
8.6% from IMDB

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