Wednesday, October 29, 2014

28 Day Later (2002)

Your Days Are Numbered

The movie opens up on, what we assume are, animal activists breaking into a lab to release chimps the believe are being abused/tested on. They stumble upon a lab worker who tries to tell them that these chimps are infected with a disease he calls "rage", but they do not listen and start releasing them. causing the chimps to attack them.

Four week later Jim wakes up alone in a hospital. He had had a bicycle accident and been in surgery when the disease spread enough to make the hospital evacuate. He stumbles around the hospital and the streets of London confused and angry at the fact that his city is empty. He finds his way to a church, hoping to find some answer and boy does he find them.

The church is filled with the infected and many dead bodies. Jim eventually connects the dots and realizes that a massive disease has affected London, possibly the world. While trying to find more information, Jim find himself surrounded by a swarm of zombies. Selena and Mark, well verse with the zombies, save him.

Something that always fascinated me about this movie was that they somehow got shots of London completely empty of humanity. From their IMDB trivia page it mentions how they had to close roads at 4 am to get shoot these scenes. They had police close the roads but also persuaded some attractive women to tell drivers about the delays, so that people would be less angry.

This is the must-see, essential zombie movie of the last 15 years, just an all around amazing watch.

10/10 For a great story, acting and being beautifully shot.
87% Critics score from Rotten Tomatoes
7.6 from IMDB

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Psycho 1960

I have always heard that Alfred Hitchcock was the father of classic horror but hadn't actually watched any of his movies. I decided to watch the original Psycho as I am currently watching Bates Motel, the "modern" prequel to Psycho.

I don't often watch older black and white movies, as I don't always feel a strong connection to the characters or storyline, but that really wasn't the case this time. Hitchcock clearly knew what he was doing and completely flipped the genre on it's head.

Marion Crane, a secretary in Phoenix, steals $40,000 and runs away to join her boyfriend. On her road trip she decides to stop in a motel just off the highway, Bates Motel. Norman Bates, the owner, introduces himself and invites her to have supper with him. Marion soon realizes that Norman Bates' mother does not want her there and excuses herself as soon as possible from his company.

In the most famous scene of the movie and possibly horror movies in general, Norman Bates' mother enters Marion's bathroom and stabs her repeatedly. The soundtrack for this scene is so famous that most people instantly recognize it, even if they have not seen Psycho. Norman Bates then has to deal with his mother's mistakes throughout the rest of the movie.

This wasn't a particularly scary movie, but I can see how it would have been quite terrifying back in 1960 when horror movies were nowhere near as gory as they are now. In the trivia portion on the movie's IMDB page, they mention that Walt Disney would not let Alfred Hitchcock into Disneyland because his movie was "disgusting". Thats how far the impact of Psycho reached.

9/10 For an awesome story and great acting.
96% critics score from Rotten Tomatoes
91% audience score form Rotten Tomatoes
8.6% from IMDB

Friday, October 17, 2014

The Walking Dead Season 4 (2013)

I love zombies. I try to watch/read anything related to them no matter how scary I find it. Like everyone else, I was obsessed with The Walking Dead when it premiered in 2010. I must have watched the first season four times in a row. The entire premise for the show was strong (based on a graphic novel by Robert Kirkman and Tony Moore) and their ten episode format is, in my opinion, the perfect amount.

After the first season I felt there was a drop in quality in the show and watched it with much less interest. No wonder I felt that, because from what I hear AMC treated their star show really badly by firing the principal director/writer Frank Darabont. They also cut their budget in half but added twice as many episodes, meaning less zombies (makeup probably costs a lot) and more soap opera characteristics. If you want a better worded description of how AMC screwed themselves over watch this video by YourMovieSucksDOTorg.

There was a period of time were a really didn't watch any episodes and completely lost track of the storyline. What you should probably know about me is that I hate giving up on TV series halfway through, which is why I recently went back and am trying to catch up to current episodes. It also really helps that Netflix recently added season four.

I'm still kinda disappointed by the most recent seasons, but I think it's picked up a little now that Frank Darabont is back (AMC must have realized their mistake quite quickly). Season four had a really good start and Carl is not as much of a little shit as previous seasons. 

7/10 because I really do love the premise, and I like the storyline for the fourth season.
97% critics score from rotten tomatoes
96% audience score from rotten tomatoes
8.7 from IMDB

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Devil's Pass (2013)

So I was listening to this podcast last week about the Dyatlov Pass Incident and was completely enraptured by the entire story. Russian, hikers, mysteries, conspiracy theories! Tracy and Holly, from Stuff You Missed in History Class, covered what history knows about the incident and some conspiracy theories that have emerged from this unsolved mystery.

In discussing these theories, they mention a film that was loosely based on the Dyatlov Pass Incident: Devil's Pass. A group of documentary filmakers and hikers have decided to retrace the steps of the famous group that died in 1959. Holly, the groups leader, is very keen on finding out what really happened and is willing to survive the journey.

The group begin their adventure with high hopes and have a few successful days before things essentially go to shit. They start experiencing some of the same odd events that fill the conspiracy theories and eventually flee from their campsite in the middle of the night.

While not a terribly scary movie or that good of a plot, it wasn't completely a waste of time to watch. Apart from some terrible CGI used laster in the film, it does look pretty spectacular with the surrounding nature and mountain views.

5/10 for being based on an super interesting incident.
53% critics score form Rotten Tomatoes
74% audience score from Rotten Tomatoes
5.7/10 from

Friday, October 10, 2014

Bates Motel 2013

A boy's best friend is his mother.

Norman Bates and his mother Norma Bates have moved to a small town and bought a house/motel. Norman is an awkward teenager and his mother seems to have gone through some hardships. What is immediately obvious is the strange relationship Norman and Norma have. 

The property they have purchased was foreclosed upon and the previous owner, Keith Summers, is a drunk who attacks Norma while Norman has snuck out to a party. Norman arrives in time to knock him out, but not before Keith has raped her. While Norman steps out of the room, Norma murders Keith.

Norma and Norman must then cover up his murder, dealing with the local police and the fact that Keith's truck was left on their property.

Bates Motel has one of the most compelling pilots I have ever seen. I followed it up by immediately watching two more episodes and staying up way past my normal bedtime. All of the actors perform really well and their characters are well fleshed out. Since this is based on Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho, they have really great source material to be inspired from.

I'm really excited to continue with this series, I'll probably end up binge watching this all Thanksgiving weekend, since the first season is on Netflix.

9/10 for the amazing pilot.
81% critics score on Rotten Tomatoes
90% audience score on Rotten Tomatoes
8.2 score on IMDB

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Scorpion Pilot 2014

This team is pure genius.

I stumbled into a discussion over on Reddit about this pilot Tuesday, and even though the trailer reveals every detail about the pilot I somehow decided I should still watch it. 

I don't know why people think including every moment into a trailer is a good idea, it doesn't generally make viewers want to see something more. Especially when it's this bad.

Walter and his team of super geniuses are contacted by the government because LAX has lost the ability to communicate with their flights, possibly causing thousands of deaths. They then carry out several crackpot ideas that somehow end up with a car and airplane connected by an ethernet cable.

This plot is like gas station nachos: cheesy and leaves you with a bad taste in your mouth afterwards. You know you'll return a week later anyways. The plot is so ridiculously bad it makes me want to see the rest of it just for shits and giggles. 

The trailer also boasts that this is based on real events. Well, the supposed "real" Walter made an AMA on Reddit about two weeks ago, it went about as well as expected. The internet is pretty mean when they think something is fake.

I think I'll watch a few more episodes to satisfy my curiosity for bad entertainment.

4/10 for having a mildly entertaining opening scene.
38% Critics score on Rotten Tomatoes
68% audience score on Rotten Tomatoes
7.7 Score on IMDB

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Priest 2011

The War is Eternal.
His Mission is Just the Beginning.

Priests,Vampires, Paul Bettany, Maggie Q, Karl Urban, what could go wrong?

Well, pretty much everything.

Basically, in some alternate universe vampires have always existed alongside humans in a constant battle for domination. The humans eventually build some impregnable walls around their cities and somehow jailed most of the vampire population with the help of an army of ninja priests.

Now, because I completely love Paul Bettany and most vampire movies, I decided to give this movie a chance. It looks pretty great first of all, the landscapes and CGI are really well done. The acting was alright, but it's really hard to get past the sucky script and storyline. Also, Paul was trying out his Batman voice for this role, without much success.

I like the concept, but the execution didn't really follow through.

4/10 Mostly because of what it looks like
16% Critics score on Rotten Tomatoes
46% Audience Score on Rotten Tomatoes

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

How to Get Away With Murder 2014

Two weeks ago my brother and I were trying to find a new TV show to watch together and he mentioned he had seen a promo for this. He said it looked pretty cheesy but that it might be interesting.

Now, as I work in a law library, most law shows kind of disappoint me with how unrealistic they are. I'm not saying this show is very realistic but it does spin the cliche law show in a different way.

A group of new law students are put to the test by their new criminal defence professor in her class "How to Get Away With Murder". Basically, she teaches them to break every ethical rule lawyers follow to get their client off the hook.

Bury evidence.
Discredit witnesses.
Sleep with people to make problems go away.
You name it.

This also includes some of the students being involved in a murder which has been revealed in flash-forwards, adding a bit of mystery/scariness to the plot.

Viola Davis stars as the ruthless criminal defence professor, and as always she is brilliant. Also, Liza Weil of Gilmore Girls fame (Paris) plays an attorney.

Even with the unrealistic plot and unethical issues (seriously guys, lawyers like rules and mostly don't break them) this seems like an okay premise for a show. I hope the first season plays out well.

I give this show a 5/10 for a good start but they definitely need to up their game.
84% Critics score from Rotten Tomatoes
81% Audience score from Rotten Tomatoes

Monday, October 6, 2014

Resident evil (2002)

Survive the horror.

One of my favourite horror franchises out there is the Resident Evil series. Probably the most famous game turned movie series in existence, this movie still holds up after twelve years.

The mysterious Umbrella Corporation has had an outbreak of the T-virus and has locked down the entirety of their underground facilities (The Hive) because of possible outside contamination. The T-virus has turned all captive employees into zombies.

A backup team has been sent into the lockdown to assess the situation, and this is where Alice (Milla Jovovitch) comes on screen. She has lost her memory, but plays an important part in the history of this situation. The team go into the hive to investigate and find themselves in way over their heads.

Fact, I love zombies. I try to watch most entertainment involving zombies, no matter how scary I find the content to be. This franchise lives up to all of my expectations, especially the first one. The story is well fleshed out (pun intended) and the acting is great. Most stunts were performed by the actors, which makes the action scene more believable.

9/10 from me, as I just appreciate content like this so much.
33% critics score from Rotten Tomatoes
68% Audience Score from Rotten Tomatoes

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Supernatural Season 1 (2005)

A few weeks ago I started watching Supernatural, after having dismissed it for quite a long time. I was pleasantly surprised when I didn't hate it or find it cheesy in most ways (some cheese is appropriate).

I like the format of shows like this, where they have an overall season plot but mini plots along the way. Sam and Dean are chasing this demon that killed their mother when they were younger, but are also stopping along the way to help others with supernatural problems. They are also trying to find their father, who has disappeared and not left many clues in his wake.

Something that quite surprises me is the production value of the show. Having been made in 2005 you would think that it wouldn't look that great and that the special effect wouldn't hold up. While some of the effects are pretty bad, they don't seem to use them all that often.

I'm pretty excited to continue watching this show, as I hear that the episodes get better after season 1. Hopefully the acting gets somewhat better, as Dean and Sam aren't the best at showing emotions. I'm also quite surprised at how long this show has been on the air, they're in their 10th season (starting this tuesday). I guess their fanbase is so large that it can keep a TV show alive even after ten years.

I give the first season a 6/10 mostly for interesting plot and good production values.
69% critics score on Rotten Tomatoes
85% audience score on Rotten Tomatoes

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Child's Play (1988)
You'll wish it was only make-believe.

Andy, a six-year-old, has gotten a Good Guys doll for his birthday and is over the moon about it. The doll, Chucky, moves, speaks and asks for hugs. Everything a little boy could wish for in a doll. If only it didn't have that pesky little problem of wanting to murder everyone dearest to him.

While on a chase for "the strangler", detective Mike Norris ends up finding the presumed dead body of Charles Lee Ray in a toy store next to a pile of Good Guys dolls. What he doesn't know is that Charles had performed a ritual to transfer his soul into the inanimate doll, making himself into Chucky.

Karen, Andy's mother, is desperate to give her son the hot new toy, a Good Guys doll. So desperate that she is willing to buy it off a homeless dude who obviously used nefarious resources to attain it, for only $30! Quite a steal for a doll that was reasonably priced at $100. Talking, murdering dolls were expensive in the 80s. 

When the doll is brought home, Andy is soon privy to the filthy thoughts of this criminal. While being babysat by his mothers friend Maggie, Chucky decides he wants to murder her. He leaves an incriminating trail of evidence that clearly marks Andy as a psychopathic child killer. I mean, there were tiny child's footprints in the flour spread all over the kitchen, my investigative senses are tingling!

The movie goes on with Andy trying to convince clueless adults that no, really, a doll is murdering all these people. Eventually they believe him, if only after Chucky tries to murder them as well. 

This movie has so much nostalgia for me. I watched it several times as a child. According to parents in the 80's, this should have made me an unbalanced murderer. I love the concept and it looks pretty good for having been made 26 years ago. I have also found great pleasure in watching the terrible sequels Child's Play 2, Child's Play 3, Bride of Chucky and Seed of Chucky. Mostly because of Jennifer Tilly, who I really have an unexplainable love for. I have yet to have seen the 2013 Curse of Chucky, but it promises just as much cheesiness as the previous ones.

Score: 7/10 for a great concept and remarkably good child acting. Seriously, the scene were Andy cries in the psych ward is pretty amazing for someone that young.
69% Critics score on Rotten Tomatoes

Friday, October 3, 2014

The Cabin in the Woods (2012)
You think you know the story.

Well let me tell you that you don't.

Filled with typical horror movie tropes (cabin in the woods, dumb attractive twenty-somethings, creepy gas attendant and a camping trip) The Cabin in the Woods leads you, at first, to believe that you know what will happen next. You stumble into the plot with expectations of attractive people attempting to have sex, a murderer with an axe or maybe even some clumsy blonde running/screaming through the woods.

*Spoilers ahead*

What you get is a secret organization planning horror type scenarios across the globe to appease what they call the "ancient gods". They have whole arenas mapped out with cameras and sensors monitoring their subjects. They have set up this particular scenario with five attractive young sacrifices: the whore, the athlete, the brain, the fool and the virgin.

These five have planned a trip to a cabin in the woods in the hopes of unplugging from reality and fornicating. These plans go to hell when they discover a cellar under the cabin filled with creepy artifacts. The virgin, Dana, picks up a diary and reads a few latin phrases which is always an ominous sign of things ahead.

This particular act essentially seals their fates as it chooses what monster will attack them in the scenario. Reading latin from the diary chose the "Zombie Redneck Torture Family".

As the whore (Jules) and the athlete (Curt) plan a romantic romp in the forest zombies descend on them, killing Jules. Curt rushes back to the cabin, badly injured and alerts the rest of the crew to the danger. Pheromones are then released into the cabin, making them think they need to split up to cover more ground. They all end up locked in their rooms, fearing a zombie attack is imminent.

This is an incredible departure for horror movies. As we all have expectations for how horror movies develop, this storyline completely blow those up. The fact that Joss Whedon was involved in the writing of the screenplay is a huge plus to anyone looking for cheesy, freaky, spooky shenanigans. 

As I don't wish to spoil the entire movie for everyone, I will leave the review at this point.

All I have to say is go see this movie, it's on Netflix!

My score: 8/10
92% Critic Score on Rotten Tomatoes
73% Audience Score on Rotten Tomatoes

Welcome to reel spoilers
"Good morning, and in case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!" - The Truman Show

Let's start this out with a known fact: I am an entertainment junkie. I have no qualms about exposing how many movies and TV shows I watch a week. Probably around 4 - 6 movies a week and over 15 hours of TV episodes, and thats an understatement.

Over a year ago I ran another blog, not very successful or interesting. I found it very hard to keep up with it, update it, or even be interested in the content I was putting out. A co-worker of mine once said that I should be doing movie reviews instead, as watching stuff is mostly what I do outside of work hours (don't worry guys, I do spend time outside and exercise and all that other healthy shit).

She turned out to be pretty right about this fact, as outsiders of your life often are. I think I'm going to have a much easier time keeping up with this (promises, promises right?).

I'm starting out by issuing myself a challenge for October. A month of horror leading up to Halloween for this one. As I am already a little late (it's October 3rd guys!) I might try doubling up on posts some days.

Expect something sometime soon...maybe. I know your expectations are about that high.